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Massage is so good for you. It stimulates circulation. It reduces stress, helping you relax. I personally think it helps with insomnia, by getting your mind and body into a relaxed state, something that doesn't happen with me very often. They are also great for those who deal with chronic pain, helping to give sweet relief to the normal pain they endure. My mother could really benefit from massage, as her back constantly gives her fits. She says it is some sort of hereditary condition. She better be lying. Anyway, back to what I was talking about. Massage just helps your body do all the things it needs to do. That's the bottom line. And don't we all want our bodies to function at the best they can? I know I sure do! Heck, if Dan had regular massages, maybe he wouldn't feel so icky right now.
So, I think we need something like these Human Touch Massage Chairs. They are much more affordable than a live in massuse, regular massages at a spa, or even weekly treats at the massage chairs at the mall. I really think they would be a great investment for anyone who finds massage beneficial. Or those whose wife's hand tire out quickly. I would love to get one for Dan as a surprise. I best start saving my pennies!
Do you enjoy a good massage? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
relaxation station has 10 min chair massage for $5.00
DH loved it
think i will do it again for him this week
hope dan feels better soon
I love massages! Anything to let the body relax is a good thing! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Glad to have checked out yours. :)
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